sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

Howto Create SiriProxy Server - Unlimited Commands For Siri | iPhoneRoots

Siri Proxy For Windows!

SiriProxy For Windows
Siri proxy for windows has been created entirely under the .net framework, using OpenSource components and is registered under the GPL

         __  _      _     ___
/ _\(_)_ __(_)   / _ \_ __ _____  ___   _
\ \ | | '__| |  / /_)/ '__/ _ \ \/ / | | |
_\ \| | |  | | / ___/| | | (_) >  <| |_| |
\__/|_|_|  |_| \/    |_|  \___/_/\_\\__, |
By Ultimation

1. this archive: Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?18nesukv1kw1un5
2. IPhone4S
3. Jailbroken IPhone 4,IPhone3Gs,IPad2 or IPad1

Setup & Configuration
Certificate Generation
Step1. Run GenCerts.exe – This will generate the certificates for both your IPhone4s & Other IDevice (IPhone4,IPhone3GS,IPad2,IPad1)
Step2. When Prompted in the GenCerts terminal window, place the IP Address/ Host name of the computer where the proxy server will be running!
Step3. Once GenCerts has finished you can find the Certificates in the Certs folder. Named Accordingly
IPhone4s.crt – Email this to your IPhone4s
IPhone4.crt – Email this to your IDevice(IPhone4,IPhone3GS,IPad2,IPad1)
Guzzoni.pfx – This is for the proxy when in AuthGrabber Mode (We will cover this later).
Server.pfx – This is for the proxy when in proxy mode .

SiriProxy – AuthGrabber Mode
I have taken a few steps to make this easy to setup.
You can either run AuthGrabberMode.bat to run the proxy with a predefined configuration for grabbing the IPhone4s Tokens. Or
You can edit the bat file and change the command line options (Details below).
Step1. Run AuthGrabberMode.bat
The following window will display

Step2. Email Certs/IPhone4s.crt To your IPhone4S and set the DNS Settings in your wireless connection to the proxy host pc IP Address. ( The Proxy comes with a automatically prepared DNS Redirector for your IPhone4s.
Step3. Speak to Siri through your IPhone4s and the following text should show on the siriproxy window.

Once you have the token saved. You have 2 options.
You can leave the authgrabber mode open to continue grabbing new tokens. (This is helpful if you are doing a public proxy server)
You can close the window.
SiriProxy – Proxy Mode
Again I have made the configuration already but it can be edited by modifying SiriProxyMode.bat
Step1. Run SiriProxyMode.bat The Following window should be shown.
Step2. Install Spire into your IDevice it can be found in Cydia.
Step3. Send Certs/IPhone4.crt to your IDevice
Step3. Set the Spire host to port 1500. (port can be changed by the command line see below)
Step3. Start Talking to Siri – The following will happen

Siri Should now be working on your IDevice.
SiriProxy – Command Line
You have the following command line arguments.
/help - displays this dialog
/port=443 - sets the proxy listen port
/auth=true/false - tells the proxy to load the authgrabber plugin
/dest:ip:port - send the data to somewhere else apart from guzzoni.apple.com

SiriProxy – Plugin Interface
I have created a simple plugin interface for the proxy (plugins must be created with the .net framework)
Add the PluginLibrary.dll to your project as a reference.
Create a class that inherits ISiriProxyPlugin
public class Example:ISiriProxyPlugin
public byte[] RecieveHeader(byte[] Header)
return null; //Only return this if you want to modify the apple header in someway

public void PListFromSiri(System.Collections.IDictionary PList, stringAceHost)
//Modify PList Files from Siri to apple

public void PListFromApple(System.Collections.IDictionary PList, stringAceHost)
//Modify PList Files from Apple to Siri

public string PluginName
get { return "Example Plugin"; }

public string PluginAuthor
get { return "Ultimation"; }

public void OnConnection(IConnection Connection)
//This is triggered when a new connection is made

public void OnDisconnect(IConnection Connection)
//this is triggered when a client disconnects

SiriProxy – Credits & Copyright
SiriProxy was developed by Ultimation and released under the GPL ! if you have paid for this program in anyway then you should request a full refund immediately.
©Copyright 2012. Release under GPL License act.

Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?18nesukv1kw1un5

Siri Proxy For Windows!

SiriProxy For Windows
Siri proxy for windows has been created entirely under the .net framework, using OpenSource components and is registered under the GPL

         __  _      _     ___
/ _\(_)_ __(_)   / _ \_ __ _____  ___   _
\ \ | | '__| |  / /_)/ '__/ _ \ \/ / | | |
_\ \| | |  | | / ___/| | | (_) >  <| |_| |
\__/|_|_|  |_| \/    |_|  \___/_/\_\\__, |
By Ultimation
New Tutorial Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTiQ0upc9zQ

SiriProxy – Credits & Copyright
SiriProxy was developed by Ultimation and released under the GPL ! if you have paid for this program in anyway then you should request a full refund immediately.
©Copyright 2012. Release under GPL License act.

Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?18nesukv1kw1un5