Siri proxy for windows has been created entirely under the .net framework, using OpenSource components and is registered under the GPL
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SiriProxy – Credits & Copyright
SiriProxy was developed by Ultimation and released under the GPL ! if you have paid for this program in anyway then you should request a full refund immediately.
©Copyright 2012. Release under GPL License act.
Download Link:
update: Version 1002.
ResponderEliminarThe authgrabber module and proxy are now all in one, wich means automatic loading and saving of new keys!!!! the authgrabber will automatically grab keys from connected iphone4s!
getting invalid certificate error, certificates have wrong date? 2/5/2012 to 2/6/2012
Eliminarif u could email me via i can take a look over teamviewer and possibly help you out.
EliminarThat is my problem as well.
EliminarI have an iPad 2...and I have followed the directions by creating cents with the gencert.exe with my computers ip address/host name (which I'm guessing is the computer name). When I downloaded the cents to my iPad 2 and started spire, the command window on my computer said no certs found... What do I do?
ResponderEliminarwhen generating the certs put in your computers ip address (localip if your on the same network) this can be found by typing ipconfig /all in a command window.
Eliminar2nd. you have to email the iphone4.crt to your ipad2 and install it
you type in when asked, your ip or hostname not both.
EliminarExample IP:
Example host:
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarNew release & Video tutorial.
ResponderEliminarNew Tutorial Link:
I am so sorry to bug you,but I am still recieving the error that "no certificates were found for this client". I installed the certificates, and even rebooted my iphone 4s, but I still got the error from my computer. Without the keys grabbed from my iphone 4s, I know that my ipad 2 will not get through.
ResponderEliminargrab the new release from youtube link and install to c: drive, then follow instructions in youtube video it should work now, also make sure you have the .net framework 4 installed
ResponderEliminarhow does this work over 3g, outside of the local network?
ResponderEliminarAre you planning on open sourcing the source? I'd love to see it.
ResponderEliminarI would like a regex-type plugin interface for the commands, like this: - if it's with the OnConnection and DisConnection hooks.
Is this project still active or did you stop development?
ResponderEliminarill be working on a new version soon. and it will contain easier steps and better plugin support
ResponderEliminarOh, this would be great. I´m a .NET developer and i´m looking forward to develop plugins for my Home Automation solution.
ResponderEliminarBut at the moment i have problems getting SiriProxy to work. I´ve installed the generated certificate on my IPhone 4s (no Jailbreak) with the correct IP-Adress for my server, but SiriProxy says that there is no certificate found on the client.
The DNS-Redirect don´t work either. Is it a Problem with IOS6 or did i something wrong...?